How often should I post on my fitness blog? This is something we’re often asked by personal trainers, influencers, and content creators. Everyone is busy, so you want to know that you’re posting often enough to grow your blog, especially when time is limited.

In this article – we outline the optimum number of articles to publish on your fitness blog each week, plus practical tips to help you post consistently…

We’re a specialist fitness marketing agency with 15+ years of industry experience, so we know first-hand what works (and what doesn’t!). We’ve helped gyms, fitness studios, and personal trainers to successfully promote their businesses through blogging, so our strategies are tried and tested.

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How Often To Post On a Fitness Blog

Research shows that you should post 2-4 times per week to grow a fitness blog. Experts agree that this is the sweet spot, as long as you can maintain high-quality content at this pace.

If you’ve got a new fitness blog and you’re trying to reach 50,000 sessions and get into Mediavine, then 2-4 blog posts per week is a good goal. Informal research by SEO expert, Nina Clapperton, suggests that it takes 100-160 blog posts to reach that Mediavine target. So, you can realistically achieve this within 6-12 months at this pace.

If you have a well-established fitness blog, then it might be better to focus on updating old content. You could aim for 1-2 article updates and 1-2 new posts each week instead.

Blogging this often might sound daunting to some people, especially if you’re juggling it around a full-time fitness career and other responsibilities. The good news is we have some practical tips to help you write faster and more efficiently. This way it’ll be much easier to publish 2-4 fitness blog posts each week and grow your website.

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Top Tips For Blogging More Often

If you struggle to blog consistently or want to post more frequently, then there are practical steps that’ll help. Balancing the demands of training clients, running a fitness business, and continuing professional development can be tough. But if you want a successful fitness blog that ranks highly on Google and has a large audience, then posting consistently is crucial.

Here are some proven ways to create lots of fitness blog content with minimal time…

  1. Block out time
  2. Use a blog post template
  3. Be strategic with your topics
  4. Use monthly themes
  5. Combine teaching with learning
  6. Focus on one thing
  7. Leverage AI

Let’s explore each of these options in more detail…

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Block Out Time

Dedicate a block of time to blogging, on at least a weekly basis. It’s the same as developing a fitness routine…

If you don’t allocate time, then other priorities will take over.

But put a limit on that time (e.g. 2 hours) rather than writing until it’s done. In an ideal world we’d spend several days researching and writing every post, but most busy fitness pros don’t have time for this approach.

But won’t that affect the quality of my posts? Not necessarily. A tight deadline can focus the mind, so that you produce shorter, more impactful posts. Quality is more important than quantity. And if you can convey your point in 500 words rather than 2000, then your readers will thank you for it!

Use A Blog Post Template

Starting from a blank screen can be tough. So save yourself time by creating a blog post template (or using one of ours) that provides a consistent structure for your posts. Here’s what we usually use for our own articles…

  • Intro – Grab the reader’s attention by asking an engaging question, or including a fascinating fact, and then explaining the problem or topic that the article addresses. 50 words.
  • Background – talk about the topic in more detail, mention the source and why it’s relevant, and what your audience will learn by reading the article. 50-100 words.
  • Point #1 – this is where you make your first core point. It could be addressing a question, lesson, interesting concept, idea, recommendation, or tip. 100-200 words.
  • Point #2 – this is where you make your second core point, using the same basis as above. 100-200 words.
  • Point #3 – this is where you make your third core point, using the same basis as above. 100-200 words.
  • Conclusion – summarise what the reader has learned, how it’ll benefit them, provide your own opinion, and a call to action (such as ‘learn more’ or ‘sign up here’). 100-200 words.

Our Fitness Marketing Template Bundle includes a blog post template and content ideas cheat sheet…

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Be Strategic With Your Blog Topics

When you’ve only got limited time, you need to be really strategic about the articles you choose to write. Think about those that’ll be most interesting or helpful to your ideal client, and prioritise them first.

Always keep in mind WHY you’re writing your blog post (e.g. to attract new clients or keep existing ones loyal), and ensure the content is aligned with your purpose.

Do your keyword research so that you know how many people are looking for the topic and whether you can realistically rank for it. This will ensure you don’t waste time on articles that won’t be read by anyone and can focus on what’ll actually grow your fitness blog.

These tips will help you improve SEO on your fitness website.

Use Monthly Themes

Not sure what to write about? Avoid writer’s block by having themes that you return to on a monthly basis. You could organise your posts around fitness-themed awareness days or regular topics such as…

  • Week 1 – Roundup the latest news in your niche, such as training techniques, product releases, or upcoming events.
  • Week 2 – Interview an expert or team member, using the same question format each month.
  • Week 3 – Summarise a newly released fitness research article, and what it means for readers.
  • Week 4 – Review a healthy recipe book, group ex class, or new piece of equipment.

This will ensure you always have plenty of ideas and don’t need to spend time thinking up new ones on a weekly basis.

Combine Teaching With Learning

Blogging is a great way to educate others, but you can also combine it with your own professional development.

Most fitness professionals stay up-to-date on fitness research, training, techniques, and business skills by absorbing content. Maybe you read online articles, watch videos, study infographics, listen to podcasts, or read books.

So why not take things a step further a summarise this content for your own readers? This makes efficient use of your time, help reinforce what you’ve learned, and benefits your readers too.

You could summarise the main points, and then add your own opinions or tips alongside. We’re not talking about copying other people’s work here – that’s never ok.

But it’s fine to explain what you’ve been reading or listening to recently, why you think it’s interesting, and how your audience could learn from it. Just remember to give the original author credit, and link back to the source.

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Focus On One Thing

It’s easy to write for ages about topics you’re really passionate about. But if time is limited, then stick with one core topic for each post (for example, you could choose just one research article to review). Blog posts don’t need to be uni essays and you don’t get extra marks for citing more references. So stick with one theme, instead of trying to talk about too many subjects.

Leverage AI

You can also use AI to help you write blog posts more quickly. Chat GPT and Google Bard can both help you with brainstorming topic ideas, creating blog post outlines, and even drafting articles. They’re great for getting started when you’re faced with a blank page and can save research and writing time.

We wouldn’t recommend letting AI write entire fitness blog posts for you though. This is for several reasons…

  • Fitness advice can impact people’s health, so it’s vital that you research what you’re writing as AI can make mistakes.
  • Your audience wants to hear from YOU, so publishing articles that are 100% written by AI isn’t authentic.
  • AI can write blog posts scarily well, but it does tend to repeat the same phrases and can have a monotonous writing style.

We quite like using AI for coming up with new and varied content ideas that we wouldn’t have thought of. So use it to get creative and save yourself time.

How To Blog Consistently

So, now you know how often to post on your fitness blog if you want it to grow. We’ve also covered seven practical ways you can create more content and reach your blogging goals. Incorporating these tips will help you to blog more consistently, rank higher on Google, and build a bigger online audience.

Another option is to outsource your writing to an experienced professional. If you need blog articles, copywriting, or sales pages for your wellness business, then we can help. With over 15 years of fitness writing experience, we’re uniquely positioned to create B2B and B2C content that’s both authoritative and engaging. Learn more about our fitness writing services.

Get 30+ Fitness Marketing Templates

Our ready-made fitness marketing templates make it quick and easy to promote your fitness business effectively. Generate consistent leads, sign-ups, and sales revenue for your gym, fitness studio, or personal training business.

You’ll get 30+ resources covering…

Strategic planning
Lead generation
Social media
Content and email marketing

These affordable templates are the same resources we use with our own clients. The bundle includes all the essentials you need to promote your business and sign up more customers. Learn more here.

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Caroline @ Wellness Creative Co

Qualified personal trainer (BSc Sports Science) & nutritionist (MSc Human Nutrition) with 15+ years of fitness & wellness marketing experience working with global brands.